Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Night Update

Grandma, is not having a very good time. She has officially stopped making urine. If morning comes and we have no urine, we will attempt dialysis. Some of you may not agree with the decision, but, we feel it is in her best interest to do everything we can to give her one more chance. She is critically ill. Her outcome is guarded. She has got alot to live for, but she is very tired. Pray for her, pray for her kids. Of all the people, I personally know, I don't know anyone who has a bigger heart. It is no wonder her heart is the one thing that remains strong and intact. No matter what the outcome, I have realized that the Lord sends us blessings in all forms. Mine for the last few months has been in the form of my AMAZING mother-in-law, living with us. With Rosie came the added blessing of Michelle and Jordan. What a blessing they have been. For Everyone. I am hoping dialysis will kick her kidneys into gear. Pray for Rosie. Michelle wants you to bring her (or post to this blog) pictures of you and Rosie. The sooner the better. Call Alexis if you need to know how to post pictures. (330-1174). The more we post the better Michelle will feel.
Oh.. Visitation on Tuesday is still restricted. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Monday April 23rd

Today we are experiencing more of the same. Her platelett count is up, her H&H is slightly down. They are continuing to change her medication doseages to accomadate her. She has been taken off one antibiotic and her fever comes and goes. They have limited visitation for the next couple of days so that she can get some rest. She looks the same as she has for the last couple of days. Please continue to pray for her.
Michelle and Renee

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Evening April 22nd

Today was a long day. They have taken her off some of her medications, and increased the dosages of others. The swelling in her face has gone done and they are changing the stockings on her legs. The nurses decided that they needed her to have a quiet afternoon, so they restricted visitation after 3pm. They gave her a transfusion of plateletts today, hopefully this helps. If we are praying for something now it is for her blood pressure to stabilize and her fever to go away. Prayers on her behalf are appreciated.
Updates to come as soon as we have them...
Michelle and Renee

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday April 21st

Well, sometimes no news is good news. She is holding her own. Her urine output is good. They are trying to decrease some of the medicine they are using for her kidneys, but she didn't like that so much. I keep having to remind myself that this is a VERY SLOW PROCESS. We are definately learning things about patience and faith. The goal of the weekend ... letting her get as strong as possible. I know everyone is keeping her in their prayers, and I know she appreciates it. We will keep you updated with her progress.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday April 20th, 2007

Grandma Rosie had a TEE this morning looking for infection in her heart. They didn't find any, good news. She is running a slight fever this morning. But .. she is producing urine. THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS. If she didn't start by this morning they were contemplating Dialysis and we didn't want her to have to have to do that. She is improving little by little and right now we are grateful for the little things. She was very alert last night prior to the sedation for her bronchoscopy. They also put in a swan ganz, to better monitor her vitals. Continue to Pray for her. Love to you all, Michelle and Renee

Thursday, April 19, 2007

CT of the brain done last night: Normal

News from the Hospital

Well, Rosie was rushed to the ICU last night around 7:00 pm. She stopped breathing. which resulted in a trip to the ICU. She is currently on a ventilator, and pretty sedated. She was responding to her name last night and woke up this morning around 2:00am and was a little agitated, with the vent. They put her on a heavy sedative to let her get some rest. Her labs last night according to the doctors "looked good". She did have a CT of the brain last night, and as soon as results become available I will update.